Motivation Services


Did you know that

71% of all employees are not engaged at work

Percentage of Fully Engaged Employees

and that

Engaged Employee Performance

Engaged Employee Performance

Allow Coach Clinton to support your organization as you seek to increase employee engagement. We offer the following Motivational Services and also download 2015 Coach Clinton Speaker Packet or view our video reel to see Coach Clinton in action. Complete the Event Form and start planning your next event.

Employee Meetings

“You have to be the future you’re trying to create in the world.”  – Mahatma Ghandi

Pull employees into that future with you instead of standing behind people pushing them into the new world. Let’s create a culture of behavior as though the future is already here!

Coach Clinton collaborates with your business leaders to craft and deliver a custom message for your Employee Meetings.


Focused on synchronizing employee activities with organizational goals, workshops may extend from the Employee Meeting message, or address topics in areas identified by leadership.

Coach Clinton works with leadership to identify the objectives of the workshop, then using Facilitation Techniques, conducts a workshop which expands two, three, or four days. Workshops are recommended in an offsite venue; however, onsite in a secluded space is also an option.

Keynote Speaking

First collaboration with the meeting planner to learn about the audience, the goal of the keynote is to energize and inspire your audience and to establish the main underlying theme and the framework for the message to be communicated.

Common Keynote Topics include:

  • Corporate Intrapreneurship
  • Three Pillars of Sustainability (People, Planet, & Profit)
  • Innovation
  • Change Adoption
  • Revenue Growth
  • Career Growth and Development
  • Self-Actualization
  • Seven Steps of Accomplishment

Conference/Symposium Speaking

Speaking as a specialist to deliver short addresses on a topic or on related topics to include:

  • Career
  • Agile
  • Business Analysis
  • Project Management
  • Managing Up

Other Speaking Services

  • Clinic Facilitator – we define the list of skills and knowledge you desire for your participants to acquire
  • Forum Participant – involves service as an expert in a discussion among other experts and audience members
  • Panel Member – sitting with other participants on stage to discuss a topic or issue in front of an audience
  • Rally –  mass meetings for inspiring enthusiasm and/or action

Download 2015 Coach Clinton Speaker Packet. Complete the Event Form and we will contact you to discuss your next event.